The hell am I?

Good question, welcome to my homepage the name's Vicar, it's nice to know that I'm not alone here. As mentioned this is my personal site and home to for now some very much underwork projects that will be finished when I get to them (Or in other words when I can be bothered). As for why I'm here, it's not for fame of anysort, nor am I here to look for attention. Just want a little corner of the internet to call my own really, and to hopefully gain few skills from it as that's honestly the main thing. Will I, only time can tell. Soo yeah, as said this is my personal website. What you might expect to see here is related to my interests, those interests being photography, video games and other such things.

So expect to see random images I take, probably brief reviews on the games I complete and my sizeable backlog of games I need to complete at some point or another (When I say sizeable I mean it, least time I checked I had over 100 games on the backlog). So if you're here to look around, or are on to parts unknown. Hope you find this page at least a slight bit interesting.

The last Vicar

Real name

What's it to you?







۩ About Vicar ۩

Still here? Really? Guess you want to know about me then, never been good at talking about myself especially online. As you know it's best to keep your online life and real life separate, but here goes nothing.

My name is The Last Vicar, no it's not christian based name it's actually more so a refernce towards Bloodborne (As Bloodborne has Two beast bosses titled Vicar, namely one is titled "The First Vicar") which is one of my personal favourite games. As you probably could tell by my site, I'm still very much a amateur at this whole site making business. Despite my neocities account being over a year old I only really started active development on this site just few days ago, why did it take me so long? Well life took the wheel from me and afterwards kinda forgot about it. So what made me come crawling back to try my hand at this? Simple Hypnospace Outlaw an game that emulates the old web. After completing it, I remembered "Oh yeah, I got website that I need to work on" and so here we are.

That's all she wrote, I could mention few other things I suppose. I helped with the Bloodborne Fandom wiki for small time, before fandom burnned it's reputation to the ground. I also made few voice packs based around Half-life Alyx for Xcom 2. They're not great, trust me.

If you're still here and curious about what games I enjoy and personaly say are my favourites then it as follows in no order: Almost all the modern Fromsoft games, Earthbound/Mother series, Half-life series, Xcom series, Okami, Bioshock series, The Binding Of Isaac, Total Warhammer, Yakuza Series, Yume Nikki, Hotline Miami 1/2, Poker Night at the Inventory 1/2, Undertale/Deltarune, The Sam & Max games and lastly Slay The Princess.

It's big list I know, hey there's just lotta games I enjoy.