Welcome to the page where I ramble on about number of things, how often will I update this Page. I don't know, come back in few years time then you will know.


If you're seeing this then I've finally got my blog page done! *Sound of party popper going off*

Soo yeah, that's neat. I will be honest though, what took me so long to make this page is not the coding but trying to find out what kind of theme I wanted it to be and especially trying to figure out what the background image was going to be. Like in general I want my personal site to have that night time/after dark vibe to it, since I'm creature of the dark and personally find that kind of aesthetic just nice and relaxing.

Oh, and it's until recently that I'm going to give most of my site pages a color theme along with that night vibe. About me is pink, this blog is blue and for my next page is probably going to be mellow yellow. As for what the next page is going to be, well it's probably going to be place where I post dumb random images I've found among other things, I got name for it too but will I share it? Nah.

Along with that, I probably will still work on the general format of my website. Still not 100% happy with how everything looks, I mean look at this page's banner, isn't that text hard to look at? Neverless, still early days for this site so I suppose changing things around is given but I do digress. To anybody reading this or just looking over, thanks I suppose it's nice to know someone is reading.